Multiple Regions

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Multiple Regions

Postby Anakin » Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:39 am

Hi, i am very new to alot of things "grid wise and server wise" but i have managed thruogh my own with others help to get things running. I would like to say im impressed with this site and i will recommend alot of ppl.

Now to my question and im really hoping for a detailed answer. I need to know how to have more regions than 1 on the grid. As for now, I have ACX INC. up and running but my brother on the other hand has had an unsuccessful attemp to run his next to mine, which is called ACX INC. north and east. They do show they are listed on the map. And when i try to cross into the region next to me ( which is my brothers ) it says i can not enter a banned parcel. I did find your the area which shows the code for to attach other regions, but i do not know how or to know where to copy that code .

Any help, please let me know.
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Re: Multiple Regions

Postby Myopengrid » Tue Feb 21, 2012 7:51 pm

Hi Anakin
I am glad you like our grid, we are always working to make it better :) thank you!

It seems to me that your brother is having a network problem, most of the time when your region register (show in the map) but you can't tp is one of the cases. There are some things that I will be looking for: internal ip, external ip, and port.

If you guys are running the regions from the same network you will have to use different ports, for instance region1 using port 9000 and region2 should be using something else like 9001.

To check your internal ip if: you are using windows you can use the cmd (windows terminal) and type the command ipconfig your internal ip should show up as IPV4.

To check your external ip you can go to the ip that show up in that page is your external ip

To find your region settings you need to browse the folder where you have your region instalation, and look for the folder called "Regions" inside that folder you should find the file Regions.ini that file contains your region configuration.

If all your ips are correct and you still not able to tp to the region, it's because you need to open the port that you are using for your region for external communication, it's called port forwarding. You can google it if you need details in how to do it. I normally search for router brand and model and the word port forwarding.

Please let me know if this information help you in any way, and if you have more questions please post here.
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Re: Multiple Regions

Postby Anakin » Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:42 am

First of all thank you for replying. I can tp and work on my region. It's the other two that are surrounding it. My brother now is offline for a while, in that case. I'll run the regions.

This is my example of what i did:

RegionUUID = 94c0da62-b905-4d56-b5a5-a7447e4b0059
Location = 7036,7001
InternalAddress = (router IP)
InternalPort = 9000
AllowAlternatePorts = False
ExternalHostName = ( Mian IP)

That's corrrect as i have figured that out.

My question is also, you said i need to open a port for each region? To run more than 1 region on my computer. In that case, in my regions.ini.

[ACX INC.] ( will chnage name)
RegionUUID = 94c0da62-b905-4d56-b5a5-a7447e4b0059
Location = 7036,7001 ( will change cordinates)
InternalAddress = (router IP)
InternalPort = 9001 (CHANGED PORT)
AllowAlternatePorts = False
ExternalHostName = ( Mian IP)

Do i create seperate region.ini files each region or do i simply add in the same regions.ini file.

All im wanting to do is have multiple regions running from the same pc. Thamnks
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Re: Multiple Regions

Postby Myopengrid » Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:25 pm

My question is also, you said i need to open a port for each region? To run more than 1 region on my computer. In that case, in my regions.ini.

Yes the ports being used for regions need to be opened.

[ACX INC.] ( will chnage name)
RegionUUID = 94c0da62-b905-4d56-b5a5-a7447e4b0059
Location = 7036,7001 ( will change cordinates)
InternalAddress = (router IP)
InternalPort = 9001 (CHANGED PORT)
AllowAlternatePorts = False
ExternalHostName = ( Mian IP)

You also need to generate a unique uuid for each region "RegionUUID". You can use this site to generate random uuids

The location "Location = 7036,7001" need to be changed as well eg: region1 using 7036,7001 and region2 should use something like 7036,7002.

Do i create seperate region.ini files each region or do i simply add in the same regions.ini file.

You need to create a separated file and you can call it Region2.ini

Please let me know if you have any questions
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